Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hospital Pictures

Liam and Kate are over 2 weeks old now, so I am trying to catch up. Here are some pictures from the hospital. Jacob and Claire and my mom were able to come visit and meet the new additions. Our nurses were having a great time dressing them up with things that the volunteers have made, they found some interesting things.

We were so happy to go home just 2 days after they were born, we feel so blessed that we had such healthy babies that are such great eaters.
More pictures to come... they are getting chubbier every day.


Jessica said...

ha ha! They look so tiny in their car seats!

kaci plus said...

sweet I can't wait to meet them!

Anonymous said...

love the pics in their seats--can't wait to see how they've grown and changed when we next get to visit.


Sarah said...

I love the picture of Jared holding Kate and Liam....I think there is a similar picture out there of him holding Claire and Jacob in the the hospital. So they are good eaters...just like Claire and Jacob??? You are such a lucky mom...I have heard such bad things about twins not eating good. You are the perfect person to have totally know what you are doing:) Congrats...Oh and I just LOVE the color of Claire's hair. It is so beautiful!!!