Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day part 1 - the family party

Valentines Day fell on a Saturday, which meant that we spent the entire day celebrating, starting with love balloons and pink pancakes

Afterward, we went to Champoeg for a bike ride.  It was warm enough that Liam decided he didn't need a jacket!  We took the trail east along the river for a few miles, exploring an area we hadn't previously explored.  It is fun, now that Jacob and Claire are becoming stronger bike riders, to venture out to other areas.

Kate and Torin were trailer buddies behind Jared.  Torin talked quite a bit throughout the ride until falling asleep.

This time of year, despite the sunshine that we have been enjoying this year, that it is so damp that moss grows on everything - even sidewalks and parking lots!  Today, with the bright sunshine, everything was an especially bright green!