Saturday, December 17, 2016

House project - refinishing the kitchen. Mostly.

For a little while, we've wanted to change up the kitchen, and we finally got started December 5. We contracted with a company that would resurface (i.e. overlaying a white surface) over the cabinets, build uppers, replace doors and drawers, and build a permanent built-in desk where we've had our desk since we moved in. It was all going to work perfectly for the holiday season because it was supposed to be 1 week project, finishing up December 9.

The progress pictures show the process of covering the original oak-tone with the new white (and grey for the island).

It got mostly done in the one week. Unfortunately, the desktop surface and the lower cabinet doors for the cabinets closest to the sink weren't ordered correctly.

So, we weren't quite done for the Ugly Sweater Party.