Friday, July 16, 2021

Aspen Grove - Part 2

Group time - another of the AWESOME parts of Aspen Grove! The teenagers had such a fun camp counselor and such a tight-knit group. Where one was, typically there would be 5-10 near by!

Cousin time is a great time too. The crowd of Jensen cousins is growing - both in number and size! Nana and Papa love being surrounded by so many little (and used-to-be little ones!)

Meals are a lot of fun at Aspen Grove. The round tables enabled us to mix up groups to eat with each meal. The food was good too!

The 6 15-year-olds reenacted a picture from when they were infants when Jacob, Claire, and Sydney were all blessed in Jackson Wyoming.

They are a lot bigger now!!!

Jacob and Claire continued to be good friends with their 2nd cousin Mason. We want to figure a way to get them together outside of these family reunions!

Liam got to shoot a rifle. He did pretty well! And he also got to play laser tag. And climb around on the ropes high adventure course. He was seriously in heaven all week doing all the outdoorsy stuff he loves.

We found a time to rent bikes and go up above Aspen Grove to bike a few loops. It brought back memories of biking up here during college.

Aspen Grove is such a beautiful place!