Sunday, May 19, 2013

Stuffed Animals of their Own

Recently, we had some drama over stuffed animals.  Kate had adopted one of Claire's stuffed animals, her monkey, and had been sleeping with it for a few months.  Claire discovered this one day and suddenly, Claire's monkey (who she hadn't seen in months) became her favorite animal and she couldn't sleep without it.  There was some drama over the monkey (and one cute moment where Claire decided Kate could sleep with her monkey), so Dani ordered Kate a monkey of her own.

After Dani ordered the monkey for Kate, she realized it might be nice for Liam to have a new stuffed animal, too, so she ordered him a Lion.  When Kate got her monkey, Kate walked it all around the house. 

 Liam found a little stuffed bear and followed her around, obviously wanting to be as excited as she was for her new animal.  So, when Liam got his new lion, he was SO excited for it and gave it lots of hugs.